Paragraph Organization

Paragraph Organization or arranging separate sentences into a coherent paragraph composition is probably one of the most difficult types of test in the Civil Service Examination.

Paragraph Organization Question

The following groups of sentences need to be arranged in an order that makes sense. Select the letter preceding the sequence that represents the best sentence order. Then select "Submit One Answer" to go to the next question.
  1. On the contrary, the two main theories—the cooperative (neoclassical) theory and the radical (labor) theory—clearly rest on very different assumptions, which have very different ethical overtones.
  2. The distribution of income is the primary factor in determining the relative levels of material well being that different groups or individuals attain.
  3. Of all issues in economics, the distribution of income is one of the most controversial.
  4. The neoclassical theory tends to support the existing income distribution (or minor changes), while the labor theory tends to support major changes in the way income is distributed.
  5. The intensity of the controversy reflects the fact that different economic theories are not purely neutral, "detached" theories with no ethical or moral implications.

Information Presentation Question

Select the paragraph that best expresses the ideas contained in these three sentences. Then select "Submit One Answer" to go to the next question.
  1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, had a keen interest in spiritualism.
  2. In the final years of his life, he traveled around the world promoting his belief that it was possible for the living to communicate with the dead.
  3. Doyle was widely criticized in the press, who thought he was being taken in by con artists claiming to be psychics.

Grammar and Usage Question

Select the sentence that is the best example of English grammar and usage. Then select "Submit One Answer" to go to the next question

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